Sevilla meets Mozaico Flamenco Village
By Andrea Williams
March 20, 2011
The studio was warmed up to springtime in Sevilla on Sunday night as Al Mozaico Flamenco Dance Academy students gathered for the year's first Sevillanas party.
Due to popular request, Michelle and Andrea…

Semana Santa in Seville!
Blog #4 from Seville, Spain
By Andrea Williams
March 2010
Semana Santa in Sevilla is a Religious affair – literally and figuratively. For most it is a religious custom that dates back to the late Middle-Ages (about 1350 or so).

My Festival de Jerez Experience
Blog 3 from Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
By Andrea Williams
March 2010
Having spent two weeks in Jerez at the Flamenco Festival, I can attest to the intense atmosphere and concentration of flamenco here – in quality and quantity.

Getting Lost and Losing Myself in Jerez
Blog #2 from Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
By Andrea Williams
March 2010
These are the continuing Andalucian chronicles of our beloved teacher, Andrea Williams...her first major flamenco trip to Spain. Go Andrea Go! Go go go!

Running Away to Spain
Blog #1 from Frankfurt
By Andrea Williams
February 2010
Momma K is 30 weeks pregnant, so what does Andrea do?
She runs away to Spain, por supesta!
The following blog is written by our beloved teacher, Andrea Williams, while…

This Thing We Call Bulerias
September 15, 2008
Bulerias por Fiesta Class
Observations From The Bench
Sitting here on a bench, I can count at least 24 people without moving my head: the largest Bulerías class at Al Mozaico Flamenco Dance Academy in recent…

Teaching to Learn: More dirt on Sevillanas
Ways students process information and how the instructors present it
By Andrea Williams, Instructor
November 23, 2007
Students often ask me why I teach.
The answer is simple: I teach to learn.
I learn from my students. What makes…