Five Minutes With Kasandra La China
From The Dance Centre Blog:
Our Discover Dance! series is back this month with Mozaico Flamenco, streaming online April 15-28. We sat down (virtually) with Artistic Director Kasandra ‘La…

Taking Flamenco Classes During The Pandemic
What is the Future of Flamenco in 2021?
As the world nears the one year anniversary of the COVID pandemic, I am convinced more than ever that everyone in the world should be dancing flamenco. 2020 presented many challenges for me personally…

Covid Blog Day 132 – Dancing The Crown Chakra
Last week I danced The Crown Chakra “Sahasrara” and what a journey that has been. This is known as the violet chakra (or sometimes some identify it as white) and this is my 7th blog on dancing the chakra energy system. The Crown Chakra resides…

Covid Blog Day 115 – Dancing The Third Eye Chakra
This week I am dancing “Ajna” also known as the Indigo Third Eye Chakra and this is my 6th blog on dancing the chakra energy system. The Third Eye resides up between the eyebrows and perhaps this is the most famous chakra, as people talk…

Covid Blog Day 104 – Dancing The Throat Chakra
This week I was challenged to dance the Throat Chakra, Blue! With great anticipation, I am dancing my way up the chakras! The upper chakras are Blue Throat Chakra, Indigo Third Eye Chakra and Violet Crown Chakra. I feel like I live my life in…

Covid Blog Day 100 – Dancing The Heart Chakra
This week I was challenged to dance the Heart Chakra. Moving up from the yellow Solar Plexus Chakra with all the vim and vinegar, Tabasco sauce of Warrior Flamenco energy…we have the beautiful fourth energy cluster located at the Heart, the…

Covid Blog Day 91 – Dancing The Solar Plexus
This week I was challenged to dance the Solar Plexus Chakra. Moving up from the orange Sacral Chakra, we have the third energy cluster above the bellybutton but under the breast bone, the Yellow Solar Plexus Chakra aka “Manipura”. I have…

Covid Blog Day 79 – Dancing The Root Chakra
This week I am dancing “Muladhara” also known as the Root Chakra or the Base Chakra. It resides at the base of the spine in the pelvis and connects us to the earth. As a flamenco dancer, I feel like understand this concept rather well, as…

Covid Blog Day 68 – Life of a Flamenco Dancer
FLAMENCO & COVID. It has been a rough week because the Shadbolt Centre cancelled my big residency for my project “Rojo y Sombra” and I will not be getting to do my September residency and 4 shows in the black box theatre. I know it is…