Pregnant Again
Almost 23 weeks, past halfway mark, second trimester!
By Kasandra “La China”
December 28, 2009
Everybody’s sleeping except me. Again. I’m always waking up around 3 or 4am these dayz.

Kasandra La China, 20.5 weeks pregnant and dancing with Cyrena at Norman Rothstein Theatre. Pics by Yvonne Chew, Dec 13/09.
This time, I’m not worried about any of that crap…hence, me dancing below at 4 months pregnant on the big stage. Thank God for stretchy spandex fabric. I can say I’m still a size Small. Ah hahahaaa!
Honestly, from the moment I conceived, I lost my waistline so anybody who has known me a long time and watched my butt teaching at the front of class knew something was up from the moment I started classes in September. Sad but true. I guess your body just goes back to marshmallow mode quickly since it has known marshmallow before…
Ah yes, there was no hiding it this time.
Just for fun, I didn’t tell my students right away. I just wanted to see how polite people would be before calling me on baby #2. Some students were very astute and noticed in the second month. By the third month, everybody either thought I was fat or pregnant. So I’d say, THIS TIME, people were not so polite because LAST TIME nobody noticed for about 4.5 months. This time I’d say everybody noticed within 2 or 3.

Kasandra La China, 20.5 weeks pregnant, practising Big Mama flamenco moves, channeling Matilde & Milagro. Pic by Yvonne Chew, Dec 13/09.
I continue to dance with reckless abandon, as I performed at 20.5 weeks with my dance company in a Verdiales by Guadiana. It was great fun to perform with my best of friends and we had a good time putting it together.
I continue to teach without any problem. I don’t expect I will have any problems until the final month.
I know I can work very hard and push my body for approximately 2 months or so. I’m putting a formidable last ditch sprint effort into my Cafe de Chinitas Vignette Collection over the next 6 weeks, remounting my 2007 choreography called “Vete y No Vuelvas” by Pedro Ricardo Mino and attempting to put together a second line, brand new dance company for a Dorantes number by mid-February. Ambitious? Yes. Necessary? Yes. I know I have to get the hard work done by end Feb because I don’t think I can have successful late night rehearsals later on.

Here is La Chinita raiding Mommy’s flamenco closet and trying on flowers. She is my life now and Flamenco is the balance.
I have to say the first trimester was generally punishing on the back. I am not sure why because I have never had back problems. But this time, I guess because lifting Baby #1 all the time and being pregnant was not a good combination. Often I would wake up with terrible lower back pain. Jassmone was 25 lbs by August/September and I am quite sure I was lifting her about 100 times a day. This is NOT good. I had to learn to let her walk around by herself and let other people pick her up instead. This was difficult, but now, I enjoy a really speedy and active toddler. We have entered a new phase…I have to bribe/intice her to do what I really want. Either that or negotiate with toys or stickers.
The second trimester is much much better. I feel good, the back feels fine. I guess what is bothering me is round ligament pain at the end of a busy day. Since I’m on vacation, I’m trying to go to sleep around 9pm. Once I’m back to work, I probably won’t be going to bed until 11pm. It will be interesting to see what the body says about that.
I am neither eating tremendously nor being cautious. I don’t have any major cravings this time. Last time, I ate a lot of beef and bacon…probably because my body was iron starved since I barely ate any meat for years. I have been eating plenty of protein for about 2 years now, so there has been no meat cravings. If anything, I am mostly craving tasty foods with a lot of zing….like pickles, curry and vinagrette. Everything kind of tastes bland to me. The salt shaker is my friend.
The first trimester, I could not stand the smell of coffee. The second trimester, I’m back to mocha in the morning.
I suppose I can be more careful about what I am eating and really watch the calories.
Honestly, aside from flamenco, exercise hasn’t been the greatest. I walk the dog and stroller for about an hour every morning but I don’t have a disciplined workout regime. I go for the odd swim or to the gym to do some cardio but I could be a lot more disciplined in this area. I’ve had a cold over the holidays so it’s been a good excuse not to work out, but I’m finally getting back to normal, so I have no excuse. I really need to get to this.
For now I’m happy. Flamenco is on track, ticketyboo. I am feeling energetic, energized and ambitious about it!
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